Saturday, January 2, 2016

Visual Journal #2: The Colors of Ballet

I. Create Original Art

  a.  How did you use your own ideas in your work?
      In this artwork, I used my own ideas by the use of color. From the background to the watercolor, I used that to make it my own piece. I wanted to explore more with the use of media for the back ground but more subtle to emphasize the main objects which are the ballerinas.

  b. Did you use a source for inspiration, then combine it with your own ideas to make it original?
     Yes, I did have inspiration behind this piece. I got this idea of ballerinas through pinterest because I saw many different sketches of ballerinas and I merely observed two of them. To make it my own and to prevent plagiarism, I used watercolor paint to make it stand out more against the background.

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