Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Visual Journal #1- Inspired by: Star Wars

I. Developed My Art Making Skills

  a. Did you learn new techniques or process as part of the work for this journal page?
      With this art journal, I have to admit that I did learn a lot with making the galaxy background. I have always had an interest with the beautiful look of space but I could never figure out how to actually do it. Of course, I looked up a tutorial on how to make it but at first with watercolor paint. The end result of that is, I realized with the paper I had it didn't help with the colors mixing together well. Instead, I tried out soft pastels and it worked out easier. I started with the light colors and continued to layer on the darker portions.

  b. Did you gain skill with familiar materials?
      Yes, I did gain skill with working with familiar material, which in this case is the soft pastels. At the beginning, I was only used to using one color and just creating an ombre for a background but with this art page I used a wide range of colors that I didn't think would go well together at first however as a result it came out to this gorgeous looking galaxy.

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