Monday, January 25, 2016

Visual Journal #3- Arizona Sunset

How did you use your own ideas in your work?

I used my own ideas in this piece by using the soft pastels. Soft pastels are considered my idea because added color to it in my own way. I wanted to recreate this sunset sort of environment and in the end it looks more like I used spray paint instead of soft pastels. Furthermore, I used charcoal to create the shadows of the building and I like it to a certain extent. From far away, it looks good but up close up it looks like a two year old drew it. 

Did you use a source for inspiration, then combine it with your own ideas to make it original?

I got my inspiration from a picture someone took of the Arizonian sunset, when it was honestly really pretty! Again, I simply used my specialty, soft pastels, to create that sunset like look. I like how it looks however I feel like I use this media too much so next visual journal I'll attempt something different. 

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