Saturday, February 13, 2016

Visual Journal #4- Space Man

Did you try something that you weren’t sure about as part of this journal page?
   For this visual journal, I wasn't too sure about the watercolor. In previous experiences, whenever I had used watercolor directly on my journal it had made the paper too soggy and it didn't blend well with other colors because the paper was so soaked already. However, this time around I used newspaper as part of the background and it help some sorts. I believe it is just the way I applied the color that made a difference. I didn't add all of watercolor all at once, instead I did it periodically and I would dab it with a paper towel to soak up the excess water. I simply put layers upon layers of color.

Did you pick a material or technique that was new or different over something that was familiar?
  I used watercolor over soft pastels when creating the outpace look. Looking at my past work, I've relied on soft pastels to create such a vibrate galaxy look but I used that media a lot so I decided on something new. In addition, I used newspaper in this artwork. Originally, I had something else planned for it but it just was not working out. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Visual Journal #3- Arizona Sunset

How did you use your own ideas in your work?

I used my own ideas in this piece by using the soft pastels. Soft pastels are considered my idea because added color to it in my own way. I wanted to recreate this sunset sort of environment and in the end it looks more like I used spray paint instead of soft pastels. Furthermore, I used charcoal to create the shadows of the building and I like it to a certain extent. From far away, it looks good but up close up it looks like a two year old drew it. 

Did you use a source for inspiration, then combine it with your own ideas to make it original?

I got my inspiration from a picture someone took of the Arizonian sunset, when it was honestly really pretty! Again, I simply used my specialty, soft pastels, to create that sunset like look. I like how it looks however I feel like I use this media too much so next visual journal I'll attempt something different. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Visual Journal #2: The Colors of Ballet

I. Create Original Art

  a.  How did you use your own ideas in your work?
      In this artwork, I used my own ideas by the use of color. From the background to the watercolor, I used that to make it my own piece. I wanted to explore more with the use of media for the back ground but more subtle to emphasize the main objects which are the ballerinas.

  b. Did you use a source for inspiration, then combine it with your own ideas to make it original?
     Yes, I did have inspiration behind this piece. I got this idea of ballerinas through pinterest because I saw many different sketches of ballerinas and I merely observed two of them. To make it my own and to prevent plagiarism, I used watercolor paint to make it stand out more against the background.