Saturday, November 21, 2015

Eye Studies

Honestly, I like how these turned out but at the same time I don't. Comparing the eyes to the eyes I have been doing in the past, I can definitely say that I improved a lot, from cartoonish to realistic, but now that my skills have improved in art overall I have higher standards for myself. To begin with, I like using the pencils because it was a lot easier to layer on value over value whereas the charcoal was very dark to start with, which is surprising because I typically like using charcoal when it comes to creating value. The charcoal made quite an emphasis on the the eyes, but it looks a bit unrealistic. I really like how the last one turned out if you were to view it from a far. The second one I did would have turned out nicely if it weren't for the iris being so big. Overall, I would rate this a 6/10 but I can improve. My only fear is that once I do BOTH eyes all together I'll have more of a difficult time. Furthermore, I just realized that I only stuck with the left eye, I never attempted the right eye... Hopefully, it isn't as hard.

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