Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Color Wheel Project- In Process

When I took this picture, I was only this far. However, where I am today, I finished the red-violet portion. If I was to be honest with myself, I do not like how this is turning out because I can't get all the details as precise as I want. I blame the paint brushes because they're not as small as I want them to be. In addition, I am trying to work from the background to the front but it is difficult because if I paint over the sketch I can't see the sketch anymore therefore I have to redraw it again.  Furthermore, painting is my least favorite media because I can't manipulate it as easy as I can with colored pencils and charcoal so I'm constantly making that comparison and it leaves me unsatisfied with my work. On the other hand, I like the colors I make because they're very pretty but that's about it.

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